The leader in pushing the boundaries for sex and relationships is hands down, Bioware. Not only that they’re tackling real world issues that a lot of the world isn’t ready to accept yet, such as same-sex relationships. The more conservative view of this would be that this is completely inappropriate and whoever is responsible should be strung up and beaten, but in reality sex is being approached in a very mature manner in a lot of recent games. Games are more realistic than ever so when you get a sex scene it’s far from the amateur cartoon scene of days gone by. It’s so much more than massive breasted women with over the top jiggle physics.
The quintessential try hard lady’s man, Leisure Suit Larry was pathetically attempting to woo women into removing their panties way back in 1987, but we’ve moved in a more mature direction when it comes to approaching it nowadays. Let’s face it sex in games has been around for a long time. I’d venture a guess that never before has sex taken on such a heavy role in promoting video games as an advancement of the art form.